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Results and Outputs

The results and outputs of the LandUnderPressure Project are available at upon athorization at:

1.1. Geographical Information system database of the montado areas

1.2. Geographical Information system database with mapped baseline productivity 

1.3.  Geographical Information system database with productivity trend classification 

1.4. Statistical multivariate model explaining the productivity's spatial heterogeneity 

2.1. Map of the potential natural regeneration in the pilot project 

2.2. Statistical model for tree density 

2.3. Map of tree density of the pilot project 

2.4.Methodological protocol for the evaluation of grazing intensity 

2.5. Geographic database of areas subject to restoration 

2.6. Geographic database of grazing intensity 

3.1. Database of herbaceous biomass 

3.2. Database of acorn biomass 

3.3. Database with the demography of oaks 

3.4. Database of abundance. and div. of plants 

3.5. Database of bird’s abundance and diversity in restoration areas  

3.6. Database of carbon sequestration by vegetation 

3.7. Database of microclimatic data 

3.8. Database with questionnaire results 

3.9.  Statistical models explaining the impact of restoration measures in soil ES delivery 

3.10. Report on the impact of restoration measures on the delivery of several ecosystem services and their trade-offs 

4.1. Database of soil water balance  

4.2. Database of soil organic matter and organic carbon 

4.3.  Database of soil nutrients content 

4.4.  Database of litter decomposition rate 

4.5. Database on the diversity of decomposer organisms 

4.6.  Database of soil loss 

4.7. Statistical model 

5.1. Report on  restoration measures at local scale 

5.2. Report on  restoration measures at regional   scale 

5.3. Workshop for local stakeholders 

5.4. Workshop for regional stakeholders 

5.5. Development and dissemination of an electronic book 

5.6. Development and dissemination of informative graphics 

5.7. Development and dissemination of 2 videos about the project: ,,

Avoiding, mitigating and restoring land under pressure to combat
desertification and increase resilience to climate change in the montado



Alice Nunes



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